How To Remove Ice Dams DIY
Removing of an ice dam is a tricky task without the proper ice dam steaming equipment. There are numerous gutter and roof ice dam removal methods but no method except ice dam steaming is guaranteed to be safe or efficient. Homeowners beware of the consequences of a misguided gutter and roof ice dam removal practices and suggestions. Though we don’t recommend doing any of the following DIY ice dam removal methods we wanted to write an article on this gutter, roof snow and ice removal subject because we are asked so often by our steam ice dam removal customers – “Aside from steaming what is the best method for removing ice dams”? All of the gutter, roof snow and ice removal Methods explained below are dangerous and anyone reading this please keep in mind that we emphasize a “Don’t Try This At Home” approach to any DIY ice dam removal.
What Is The Best DIY Method For Removing Ice Dams?
DIY Removing Ice Dams With Socks and Ice Melt/Salt Method.
This is a fairly simple How To Remove Ice Dam DIY technique that many of our customers have tried using to remove gutter and rooftop snow and ice dams. You get yourself some pantyhose and fill them with ice melt. Once the sock is filled you tie the ends of the pantyhose to keep the ice melt from falling out. You then get a ladder and place your pantyhose over the ice dam in an attempt to melt the ice dam away or create a channel through the ice dam which will then allow (in theory) water to flow off of your roof. The sock and salt method is not very effective at removing ice dams. Salt can damage your roof, gutters and flashing around your home. Causing metal to rust.
DIY Roof Ice Dam Removal Method With Hand Tools.
For this ice dam removal articles purposes, consider “Hand Tool Ice Dam Removal” to be anything that can be swung at or punctured through an ice dam. This includes using electrical and gas-powered tools such as chainsaws, drills and jackhammers. Any tool from the woodshed can break an ice dam down. Any tool from the woodshed can also easily damage your roof while performing DIY ice dam removal. We provide ice dam removal services not only in MN but nationwide. We have been on more roof ice and snow removal projects than we can count. That being said we have seen our fair share of previous improper DIY snow and ice dam removal damage. Most of this DIY Ice Dam Removal Damage was caused by the Hand Tool method being used for removing ice dams from a roof.
Roof Ice & Snow Removal Method With A Torch.
Using a torch for snow and ice dam removal is slow, messy and very dangerous. Unlike ice dam steaming, when a torch is used for ice dam removal you have to melt the entire ice dam. When using proper ice dam steaming equipment all that is needed is to slice the ice dam and cut under it like you would cut into a cake. Then you simply and safely slide the piece of ice from the roof. When using a torch it is not possible to cut under the ice dam without melting the shingles or gutters and roofing material.
The Best thing you can do to avoid ice dams in the snowy winter is to keep the snow off. Every time it snows someone should be out there removing the snow from your roof just as often as you would shovel your steps, sidewalk or driveway. All of the ice dam removal methods explained above are dangerous and anyone reading this please keep in mind that we emphasize a “Don’t Try This At Home” approach to any gutter and roof DIY ice dam removal.
Call 1-(833)-ROOF-ICE For Steam Ice Dam Removal
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We are a fully licensed and insured Minnesota Ice Dam Removal Company servicing Twin Cities, Minneapolis MN, St. Paul MN, Duluth MN, St. Cloud MN,Anoka MN, Coon Rapids MN, Brooklyn Park MN, Blaine MN, Stillwater MN, Woodbury MN, Bloomington MN, Rochester MN, White Bear Lake MN, St. Louis Park MN, Edina MN, Minnetonka MN, Mankato MN and all surrounding communities. Now serving Syracuse NY, Buffalo NY, Rochester NY, WNY, Wisconsin, Michigan and Massachusetts. call 1-(833)-ROOF-ICE for ice dam removal.